Gertz, N. (2024). Nihilism and Technology (Updated Edition). London and New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
New introduction
New chapter focusing on topics such as: AI, climate change, deepfakes, ChatGPT, Zoom, and more
Gertz, N. (2019). Nihilism. London and Cambridge: MIT Press.
Reviewed in Publisher’s Weekly, Text Matters, Science et Esprit
Ranked #5 by Times Now News on their “8 Books on Nihilism That Help Understand Life’s Absurdity and the Search for Meaning” list
Excerpt published in The MIT Press Reader
Discussed at length in the episode “Nihilism: Are We Missing the Point?” by YouTube channel Wisecrack
Gertz, N. (2018). Nihilism and Technology. London and New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
Reviewed in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, LSE Review of Books, Hong Kong Review of Books, Techné, Reality Journal, Communication Design Quarterly, Everything Was Beautiful, Prometheus
Excerpt published in Book Launch Autumn 2018
Gertz, N. (2014). The Philosophy of War and Exile: From the Humanity of War to the Inhumanity of Peace. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.
Reviewed in LSE Review of Books
Gertz, N., ed. (2009). War Fronts: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on War, Virtual War, and Human Security. Oxford: The Inter-Disciplinary Press.
Refereed Journal Articles
Gertz, N. & Ozkaramanli, D. (2024). “Beauvoir versus Behavior Change: Introducing Existential Ethics to the Politics of Design.” Design Issues 40(2): 56-67.
Reyes, P. & Gertz, N. (2023). “Crime without punishment? On the legitimacy of illegal actions from the climate movement.” Filosofie & Praktijk 44(3/4): 307-323.
Gertz, N. (2022). “Zooming Through a Crisis.” International Journal of Technoethics 13(1): 1-10.
Gertz, N. (2022). “Accommodating Ourselves to Death: COVID and the Threat of Technological Solutions to Human Crises.” Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 26(1): 172–180.
Gertz, N. (2020). “Democratic Potentialities and Toxic Actualities: Feenberg, Ihde, Arendt, and the Internet.” Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 7(2): 178-194.
Gertz, N., Verbeek, P.-P., and Douglas, D. (2019). “Cyberwar and Mediation Theory.” Delphi 2(2): 72-78.
Gertz, N. (2018). “Hegel, the Struggle for Recognition, and Robots.” Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 22(2): 138-157.
Gertz, N. (2017). “Military Professionalism and PTSD: On the Need for ‘Soldier-Artists.’” Essays in Philosophy 18(2): 1-17.
Gertz, N. (2016). “Autonomy Online: Jacques Ellul and the Facebook Manipulation Study.” Research Ethics 12(1): 55-61.
Gertz, N. (2012). “Review Article of Jeff McMahan’s Killing in War.” Review Journal of Political Philosophy, vol. 9: 131-136.
Gertz, N. (2011). “Unmanned Warfare: Psychological and Ethical Dimensions.” Humanities and Technology Review, vol. 30: 57-76.
Gertz, N. (2011). “Conviction versus Convention.” Res Publica 17(2): 203-209.
Gertz, N. (2010): “Blood/Lust: Freud and the Trauma of Killing in War.” Formations: The Graduate Center Journal of Social Research 1(1): 65-79.
Gertz, N. (2010). “On the Possibility of a Phenomenology of Light.” PhaenEx: Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture 5(1): 41-58.
Gertz, N. (2008). “Just and Unjust Killing.” Journal of Military Ethics 7(4): 247-261.
Book Chapters
Gertz, N. (Forthcoming). “Technology and the Digital World.” In N. Baratella, S. Hermann, S. Loidolt, T. Matzner, & G. Thornhauser (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Political Phenomenology. Oxford: Routledge.
Gertz, N. (2022). “Nihilism and Violence from Plato to Arendt.” In P. Stellino & L. de Sousa (Eds.), Violence and Nihilism, 7-23. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Gertz, N. (2020). “Disease and Dualism.” In A. Mouret (Ed.), Brave New Human: Reflections on the Invisible, 201-204. Leiden: Bot Uitgevers.
Gertz, N. (2018). “Nietzsche, Postphenomenology, and Nihilism-Technology Relations.” In A. Fritzsche, & S. J. Oks (Eds.), The Future of Engineering: Philosophical Foundations, Ethical Problems and Application Cases, pp. 257-269. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Gertz, N. (2016). “The Master/iSlave dialectic: post (Hegelian) phenomenology and the ethics of technology.” In J. Seibt, M. Nørskov, & S. S. Andersen (Eds.), What social robots can and should do: proceedings of robophilosophy 2016/TRANSOR 2016, pp. 136–144. Amsterdam: IOS Press Ebooks.
Gertz, N. (2016). “Designing Responsibility.” In M. van der Velden, M. Strano, H. Hrachvec, J. Abdelnour Nocera, & C. Ess (Eds.), Culture, Technology, Communication: Common worlds, different futures? Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Culture, Technology, Communication, pgs. 189-199.
Gertz, N. (2013). “Technologie et souffrance dans la guerre.” In S. Mazoyer, J. Lespinois, E. Goffi, G. Boutherin, and C. Pajon (Eds.), Les drones aériens: passé, présent et avenir. Approche globale, pgs. 575-586. Paris: La Documentation Française, coll. Stratégie Aérospatiale.
Gertz, N. (2010). “On the Genealogy of a Rivalry.” In M. Macomber (Ed.), The Red Sox and Philosophy, pgs. 169-182. Chicago: Open Court Press.
Gertz, N. (2009). “Censorship, Propaganda, and the Production of ‘Shell Shock’ in World War I.” In N. Gertz (Ed.), War Fronts: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on War, pgs. 141-150. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary.Net.
Invited Articles
Gertz, N. (2024). “The Day the AI Dream Died”. IAI News, 31 May 2024.
Gertz, N. (2023). “Posthumanism’s Revolt Against Responsibility”. Commonweal Magazine, 31 October 2023.
Gertz, N. (2023). “More than Machines? Jacques Ellul on AI’s Real Threat to Humanity”. Commonweal Magazine, 26 July 2023.
Gertz, N. (2023). “ChatGPT: the route to loneliness?” IAI News, 22 March 2023.
Gertz, N. (2022). “Abortion bans in the age of surveillance.” IAI News, 5 July 2022.
Gertz, N. (2020). “The Logic of Nihilism.” The Philosophers’ Magazine 88: 42-49.
Gertz, N. (2020). “Nihilism.” Aeon Magazine, 27 February 2020.
Gertz, N. (2019). “The Four Facebooks: Misinformation, manipulation, dependency, distraction.” The New Atlantis 58: 65-70.
Gertz, N. (2018). “Questioning the ‘Normal’: Technology, Progress, and Human Life.” Sicherheits Politik-Blog, 3 June 2018.
Gertz, N. (2018). “Is Facebook Just a ‘Tool’?” Centre for International Policy Studies, 14 April 2018.
Gertz, N. (2015). “Our Action Figures, Ourselves: How a children’s toy can be an identity marker for adults.” The Atlantic, 16 December 2015.
Gertz, N. (2015). “There Are No More Just Wars.” The Washington Post, 4 December 2015.